Merrow C of E Infant School

Merrow C of E Infant School

Where children matter most

Our School Community


St John the Evangelist, Merrow

Merrow C of E Infant School has close links with our local parish church, St John the Evangelist Merrow. During the school year we hold some of services at the Church, e.g. Harvest, Christingle, Christmas and Easter services and at the end of the school year the Leavers service. All parents are welcome to join us. 

The Rev. Tim Clifford Hill became the Rector ot St. John the Evangelist Church, Merrow in October 2023. Each week he will lead collective worship within school.

He can be contacted at

If you are interested in their weekly services or groups that are held at the church please visit their website

Parents Prayer Group

A parents' prayer group is held on a regular basis jointly with Bushy Hill Junior School. This is a Christian parents prayer group who pray for the school community at both Merrow and Bushy Hill schools and the local and wider community. If you would like any more information please contact, likewise if you know of anyone who you would like them to pray for, please contact them on their email.