Merrow C of E Infant School

Merrow C of E Infant School

Where children matter most

Forms - if you require a paper copy, please email and they will be put in your child's book bag

Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence During Term Time

If you are considering applying for additional leave for your child(ren) during term time please read the attached letter, complete in full the Application for Exceptional Leave of Absence form and return it to the school office at least one month in advance. 

Please bear in mind our term dates when booking family holidays as we are unable to authorise holidays in term time.

Absence During Term Time Letter


Special Diet (Medical / Religious or Ethical)

Special Diet Request Form (Twelve-15)


Pupil Premium - eligibility and application Form

If you meet any of the criteria on the second page of the form, please and return to the school office in confidence.