Merrow C of E Infant School

Merrow C of E Infant School

Where children matter most

Christian Vision and Values


 Our vision is rooted in the following values:


Perseverance - we keep trying even when the going gets tough and believe in ourselves.   We believe in God’s persevering love.

Respect - we value everyone, everything and celebrate our differences. We are all God's people and we all matter.

Kindness - our attitudes and actions show we care; we share in others experiences, support them and act on their behalf. We follow the example of Jesus in loving our neighbour.

Integrity - we are honest and don't tell untruths. We are trustworthy, consistent and dependable. We do what is right even when no one, except God, is watching.


Our vision statements:


Together we grow … to show perseverance, be curious and enjoy our learning 


Together we grow … to treat everyone and everything with respect 


Together we grow … to make our world a better place 


Together we grow, valued and loved as special individuals