Merrow C of E Infant School

Merrow C of E Infant School

Where children matter most


Merrow CE Infant School – where children matter most

Merrow CE Infant School Curriculum Intent

At Merrow CE Infant School we plan and teach a creative and engaging curriculum. We are determined to provide the best quality teaching and learning for every child. We plan a full and rich curriculum which we feel meets the needs of our children. The curriculum is designed to enable everyone to achieve an excellent academic start in a creative, fun and hands-on environment. 

Our curriculum is knowledge rich - a clear knowledge base with NC objectives used in local and cultural contexts

It is skills based - fundamental, transferable skills of reading, writing and maths are embedded within foundation subjects. Teachers plan discrete foundation subject lessons using connections between subjects where we know it excites and enthuses the children

We also place emphasis on our school values of kindness, responsibility & respect through our learning and which are explored through classroom work and beyond.

As a Church of England school, we aim to promote Christian values in everything we do and this is an important part of our ethos.

At the heart of our curriculum is a strong, in-depth knowledge of each and every child.  Planning the curriculum starts with knowing the class, knowing where each child is, knowing where the gaps are, and what the next steps are through regular assessments

We are committed to fostering a love of learning; we want our children to be enthused and inspired in their learning, their play and their interactions with each other.


Merrow School aims to provide a curriculum that is engaging, balanced and relevant. While emphasis is placed on children learning core skills of English and Maths, we place great value on developing the ‘whole child’ and provide an engaging, inclusive programme of study in all curriculum areas. Learning to communicate through speaking, listening, reading and writing is of central importance. Drawing on the interests of the children, our creative teaching team develops topics which teach the children a mix of key skills and knowledge and allow them to find out answers for themselves. Children are encouraged to think independently, work collaboratively, be resilient and accepting of ‘marvellous mistakes’ and to take responsibility for their own learning. We encourage a mastery approach that develops a positive growth mindset.


In Reception the children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This focuses on early learning skills in reading, writing and maths as well as fostering creativity. It also encourages children’s social and emotional development and the development of appropriate relationships. Play is central to learning for all children in their infant years. Children learn through playing indoors and outdoors. Our Reception children follow the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Aspects of this curriculum are continued as they move into Year 1. We strive to build a bridge between the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum in year 1 and year 2.

We have planned our curriculum to ensure that it:

  • Meets statutory requirements
  • Is broad and balanced
  • Offers a mastery approach
  • Develops sequential learning where pupils know more and can do more
  • Offers practical and first-hand experiences, using a local context and
  • Promotes health and well-being
  • Develops a sound social, moral, spiritual and cultural appreciation and awareness
  • Fulfils the requirement to promote British Values
  • Supports and accelerates the life chances of vulnerable groups and individual needs
  • has a clear purpose for assessment?
  • listens to the child’s voice

Although our curriculum is underpinned by the aims of the national curriculum there are planned opportunities that make up the wider curriculum. Where links can be made, subjects are taught creatively in a cross-curricular thematic way. We place a strong emphasis on the development of basic skills that are necessary for lifelong learning. We review and evaluate the curriculum annually to ensure it is meeting the needs of our children

Religious Education is delivered through the agreed Surrey Religious Education Syllabus.  Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is taught throughout school using the ‘Jigsaw programme’, and offers learning opportunities and experiences which enable children to learn skills and develop effective relationships and to keep themselves safe. As a school we believe physical activity is important for our children. At playtimes and lunchtimes children are encouraged to be active and we are embarking on a project with Opal Play to put rich, play opportunities at the heart of our school.

We believe that the combination of all of this not only provides our children with memorable ‘childhood’ experiences that they deserve but also inspires lifelong learning and prepares our children appropriately for the future.

For more information about subject areas please click the relevant tabs on the website.


The impact of our curriculum is that by the end of each key stage, the vast majority of children have sustained mastery of content, that is, they have retained knowledge of the content and apply it fluently; some children have a greater depth of understanding. We assess and evaluate thoroughly to ensure children are on track to reach the expectation of our curriculum. We use a variety of techniques to collect and analyse data and assess attainment; our belief in developing the whole child means we use a wide range of measures both qualitative and quantitative.

Each year children are tracked on the progress they are making. We formally assess progress and attainment each data point (Mid-November, Mid-February and Mid-June) and record this in an online system, Educater. This data is then analysed and discussed in pupil progress meetings with the Headteacher to ensure every child makes good or better progress. These meetings allow teachers to meet with the Head to discuss each child and plan intervention programmes where necessary for children requiring additional support. It also allows us to identify Pupil Premium children, children at risk of ‘falling behind' along with children with special educational needs. Interventions are carefully planned to maximise learning and progress for a child’s starting point. The data is anonymised and shared with Governors regularly for them to monitor the progress and attainment of children at school.

We report twice a year to parents on how their child is progressing and achieving at parents’ evenings and have an annual report sent to parents in the summer. Parents are given information on targets that children are working on within class. We have an open-door policy and encourage parents to talk to us whenever they need information or have a concern. We let parents know how they can help at home through parent consultations, meetings, the website and newsletters.

How do we evaluate the impact of our curriculum?

We see the impact of our curriculum in the successful learners that leave our school to go into KS2 well equipped to continue their education. They have made substantial progress and achieved well in key areas of reading and maths. They are confident individuals with a body of knowledge as a firm foundation which can be built upon. The children leave Merrow with a strong sense of the values of kindness, respect and responsibility that we live out at school: they have respectful relationships with each other, their community and beyond, based on kindness and responsibility for our environment and our ongoing relationships.

We measure the impact not just by the work our children produce, but in the behaviours we see in daily school life. We do this through causal and formal observations and conversations with our children in the classrooms and in the playground. We see strong relationships grow and develop between children, adults and families.